Blog 5 Ways to Start and End Your Day Stress Free

5 Ways to Start and End Your Day Stress Free


Sometimes life is stressful and overwhelming and often times we make things harder than they have to be.  It’s even more difficult when you work from home full time & your home and your office are one and the same.  So often we just roll out of bed and right to our living room or home office. Next thing you know it’s 3pm and you haven’t showered and are still in your pj’s. You feel exhausted and overwhelmed and the day isn’t even half over for you yet. That used to be me too.  I have had to make a conscious effort to change those negative habits and reduce the stress in my business. Whether or not your day is super successful, balanced and full of joy depends a lot on your morning routine. There are also a couple things you can do at the end of each day to make sure the next day is productive & successful.Here are 5 ways to start & finish your day off stress free (whether you work from home or not!):

  • Get plenty of sleep the night before. Sleep is essential for your brain & body to function at peak performance. As a home business owner it is hard to turn your brain off and stop working sometimes when your office is also your home. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day and get that full 7-8 hours sleep though so you don’t feel exhausted or hit burn out.
  • Spend some time meditating and deep breathing before getting up. Don’t jump out of bed and rush into your day. Take some time to let yourself wake up peacefully, stretch and do some deep breathing. Think about or say out loud some positive affirmations, what you are grateful for and what your goals and intentions for the day ahead are.
  • Take care of yourself first before you start taking care of business.  Take a shower, get dressed, have a good, healthy breakfast before heading into your home office (area) and diving into your work.
  • Have a plan in place for what you want to achieve each day. Knowing what is on the agenda, what your priority tasks are and having theme days for what to work on each day in your business, can help you work smarter & be more successful. Take a few minutes at the end of each day to write down your top 3 priorities for the next day, review your appointments and upcoming projects in your planner.
  • Keep your office organized. Clutter kills productivity. When you finish up your work each day, take just 5 minutes to put papers, files, binders and other business supplies back in their rightful place. This way when you head back into your office you will feel inspired to dive into your work instead of stressed about trying to find your files or overwhelmed by the clutter.

Starting the day with gratitude, positive affirmations and good self-care makes such a difference in lowering your stress levels and achieving your goals! Finishing your day with a clear plan for the next day and an office that is organized and feels inviting will boost your productivity even more! What other tips do you have for reducing stress as a home business owner? Please leave a comment below and if you enjoyed this article, I would appreciate if you would share it with your friends!PS. Want to learn more about how to create less stressful days, get aligned with your goals and create habits and routines that help you be more calm, balanced, productive & joyful? Check out my Plan your CEO Life Workshop & Workbook here.


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