Blog How to deal with and overcome stress

How to deal with and overcome stress


Today is Stress Awareness Day. I’m intensely aware of stress as I have struggled with it & anxiety (and being a control freak) my entire life.I have learned to some degree, that stress is a choice and often times a consequence of not making the right choices (saying yes to too many things, trying to please others, doing things that are not aligned with your goals, negative influences, etc…). There are many things in life we cannot control, but we can always control our actions and our reactions.

How to Deal with Stress

In 2017 I began dealing with adrenal fatigue which caused a myriad of other health issues. I had to take a lot of time off, close down several of my programs/products, step back from social media and say no to a lot of opportunities.

I have learned that not only can I not pour from an empty cup but I cannot help others be their best if I am not doing, being and feeling my best. I realized I had to make self-care and reducing stress and overwhelm a priority.

I’m learning to listen to the clues my body gives me and to rest when I need to instead of pushing myself to burnout, to really think, reflect and pray before saying yes to a new idea, opportunity or activity, to be more intentional with my time, energy and focus.

I’m learning to ask for help and to let others help me, especially on the days I am overwhelmed and exhausted. I don’t have to be Wonder Woman.

Most of all I’m learning to give myself more grace, to just go with the flow and not sweat the small stuff, to choose my battles and to focus on gratitude even more than ever because I know gratitude is the key to reduce stress, eliminate fear and open the door to more abundance.

If you are struggling with stress, take some time to revisit your priorities, to make sure every decision is aligned with them, to give yourself more grace, to rest, to focus your energy on what you want to bring into your life and get yourself into a place of deep gratitude. Reduce clutter, negative influences, say no more often and choose joy in everything.

If stress, anxiety or depression is causing you to have difficulty living a normal, healthy, happy life or you are experiencing any physical or mental changes or thoughts of suicide, please go see your doctor or a healthcare professional and reach out to someone. You are not alone, there are lifestyle changes, mindset shifts, help, therapies and other things that can help you find joy, peace and happiness again. It can and will get better.

PS. Check out my CEO Shift Challenge for more practical tips and strategies to manage stress, shift your mindset and improve your emotional well-being.


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