Blog An easy way you can stop procrastinating and be more productive

An easy way you can stop procrastinating and be more productive


Mark Twain once said “If you eat a frog first thing in the morning, the rest of your day will be wonderful.” I have also heard Brian Tracy train on the “Eat That Frog Principe”. It basically means to take care of the projects or tasks that you do not want to do (or enjoy doing less than others) first and foremost in order to be more productive the rest of the day. I really struggle with this principle. I love to have fun & I need to feel passionate about what I am doing to enjoy it. If a project or task is not fun to me, I have a really hard time motivating myself to start on it, much less complete it. I will dance around that project on my to-do list all day (or all week) long. This can often leave me scrambling to get things done last-minute or feeling overwhelmed with all I have to do. One thing I learned that really helped me was creating Theme Days or categories in my life and business. This method utilizes batching similar tasks together so I can maximize my time and also create simple systems and processes for every area of my business. I’m able to prioritize and get my work done much faster using this method. It also helps me make sure I cover every area of my business each week or month. By having a list of what I need to do & specific days scheduled to work on them, it makes it easier to be productive and stop procrastinating.   I share more details on how to batch, create theme days & be productive along with a free weekly calendar page printable which you can sign up to download and access the training for FREE below too! Think about the tasks, projects or chores that you least enjoy doing. If you are like most of us, you will put those off until last. Often times, we end up staying so busy trying to avoid eating our frogs that we end up not accomplishing the tasks we actually enjoy or really need to take care of. It can be very hard to balance all that life throws at us. We don’t need to make it harder on ourselves by wasting time or avoiding what needs to be done just because we don’t want to do it or don’t enjoy doing it. If “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” then I guess “a frog a day keeps inefficiency away”. Let’s all add some frogs to our breakfast menu and improve the health of our households and businesses. What about you? What are the “frogs” you struggle eating on a regular basis? What tips do you have to share with us on how you “eat your frogs”?  Please leave a comment below and if you liked this post, I would love it if you would share it!PS. Want to learn how to be more productive and what to focus on to really enjoy your life and achieve goals that are aligned with more consistency? Check out my Plan your CEO Life Workshop & Workbook here.


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