Why do some people achieve their goals and enjoy success while others don’t? I think the difference comes down to our mindset and beliefs about what’s possible or allowed for us to be, do & have. Our mindset and beliefs are the engine that controls our actions, our habits, our patterns and the things we

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It’s always easier to set new goals than it is to actually do the work and stick with the work to reach them. No one is perfect and we all fall behind or life just happens. The main thing to remember is to pick ourselves back up and start again fresh. Here are 6 steps

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We often procrastinate doing a certain task, especially in our business because of hidden fear. Maybe you avoid creating new content, doing follow-ups, doing videos or livestreams because deep inside you are afraid of rejection, humiliation, judgment or don’t feel confident enough. Often times we procrastinate because we know if we do the work that

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Watching Notre Dame burning yesterday I couldn’t help but cry. I’m not Catholic but I understand what the Cathedral means to the French people, what the history and significance of it are. It’s sad to see something like that, that has survived for so long, been through so much of the best and worst of

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Whether you work from home full time or part time, having an organized home office space is one key to success and keeping your sanity in your small business. Ā Here are a few simple tips to get and to keep your home office organized. Be sure to grab your FREE Printable Home Office Organization Checklist

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The dictionary defines confidence as: “a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities, the belief in ones ability to succeed, or the state of feeling certain about the truth of something.” My favorite definition of confidence is how Brendon Burchard explains it: “Confidence is believing in your ability to

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The biggest stumbling block to achieving our goals and living our best life usually relates to our fears and the stories we tell ourselves about what we deserve, what we are capable of and whether we believe we are good enough or not. Youā€™ve probably heard the explanation of fear as ā€œfalse evidence appearing realā€

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Capsule wardrobes have been growing in popularity over the past few years along with the minimalism movement.  You might be wondering how to create a capsule wardrobe, especially if you really love clothes, are new to minimalism or don’t want to go to the extreme end of it. I never thought I would be someone

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One of my life goals has always been to move to the beach. I am beach person. There is something about the ocean that soothes my soul, calms my anxiety and gives me so much joy.  I’m lucky to live less than 4 hours from the coast of North Carolina and to have been able

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Itā€™s easy to feel overwhelmed when things donā€™t go as planned, or when multiple things happen all at once and throw you off track. There are seasons in our life and seasons in our life. They come and they go, and throughout those seasons, things change. We change as we grow and go through different

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